Category: Treatments

  • My Healing Ways

    My Healing Ways

  • Skype Consultations

    Skype Consultations

    Skype Consultations Skype consultations is a service that provides the opportunity to receive guidance on spiritual matters, personal issues or energy awareness. The service I give provides spiritual guidance for individuals or groups. For example the subject may relate to relationship difficulties or personal matters. On a spiritual level it could be about the  Chakras,…

  • Regression Healing with Meditation

    Regression Healing with Meditation

    Regression Healing with Meditation I have often found that some people hold onto past experiences, be it consciously or unconsciously. This can have a variety of negative effects upon their life. For example they may feel that there is something wrong in their life that is out of place or unfinished. There can also be…

  • Homeopathy


    Homeopathy Homeopathy is a system of medicine which treats the individual by triggering their natural immune system. It does this without creating any side effects. All homeopathic remedies are devoid of chemical toxicity and are safe to take. Homeopathy treats all forms of illnesses and imbalances in mind and body. It also has the ability…

  • Restoring Peace and Harmony

    Restoring Peace and Harmony

    Restoring peace and harmony is a service that clears any negative energy that may be near, in or passing through a house or property. The energy could be a negative Magnetic Vortex, a Layline or an underground stream. These negative energies and do negatively effect the wellbeing of people living in there locality. Some of…

  • Spiritual Healing

    Spiritual Healing

    Spiritual Healing The way it works! I have a natural gift of healing that I became aware of when I was seven years old. I have been working with spiritual healing for over thirty years. My higher senses are fully open, which gives me the ability to see all energy fields. Because my higher senses…